Is Multilevel Marketing A Scheme?

Bill Ackerman Attacks MLM I have a few questions for Bill Ackerman who attacked the multilevel marketing out industry in a New York City presentation. How can Bill attack a company that has been around for over 32 years in the multilevel marketing industry? Would the U.S. government allow a “pyramid scheme” to be part […]

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Will I Be Able To Retire?

Will I Be Able To Retire-Ever? When is the best time to think, plan and prepare a retirement account? How much will you need to retire? Do you have a retirement plan? You can start collecting social security at 62 years old but you will only get about 75% of your full allocation. You would […]

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Kung-Fu Martial Arts and Blogging

Kung-Fu and Blogging Even a skinny little guy, new to blogging learned the Kung-Fu of getting traffic to his blog. There is a scientific dirty fighting technique to getting traffic from different sources to your blog. Without being an SEO guru… Without being a Social Media specialist… Just by blogging… There are simple basic principles, which […]

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Compounding Effects Of Decisions

How To Make Decisions We make decisions every minute, every day, and every hour. Do you ever really think about your decision-making process and how decisions affect your life? We’re very aware when we make major decisions, like which car to buy, where to live or which college to attend. We realize these decisions will have […]

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What Is The Compound Effect?

Darren Hardy has written an excellent book called the ‘Compound Effect,’ where he states basically that success is a gradual and consistent effort towards achieving a goal. We have all heard the story of the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise wins because he is slow, consistent and does not deviate from the goal. Set […]

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Current Unemployment Rate?

What Is Current Unemployment Rate? The current unemployment rate is over 10% in the United States. Current unemployment benefits go for about 47 weeks, in some states. By the end of this month congress must decide if they can afford $30 billion to extend unemployment benefits into the coming year for over 3.1 million people. […]

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Is Direct Marketing A Scheme?

What Is Direct Marketing? One of the biggest problems of network marketing, MLM (multilevel marketing) and direct marketing is a negative impression most people have the industry. Direct marketing companies have gotten a lot of negative press, many companies have been targeted as schemes, or Ponzi scheme as well as pyramid scheme. We need to […]

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Internet Marketing Coach

Become An Attraction Marketing Magnet Brian Tracy recommends you give 10% of your income to charity and allocate 10% to your ongoing education. Anthony Robbins teaches the most effective way to accelerate learning a skill, develop a business or to become competent in any endeavor. First, find a leader in that particular skill and model […]

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Pop Ups Out, Blogs In

Content Marketing Future Trend What do you think is the advertising trend of the future? According to the December 2012 issue of Inc. magazine the advertising trend for the future will be content marketing in blogs, videos and white papers. People are spending more time on social media sites and avoiding banner ads and pop […]

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Secrets To Starting A Home Based Business

Starting A Home Based Business Starting a home-based business is one of the easiest things you can do. Anyone can start a home-based business even people who lack in technical computer skills. The only things needed for starting an internet home business is a website and a domain name. You can get these for free […]

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